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Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to get started with our service and gain access to hundreds of thousands of companies’ financial data and credit ratings in just a few minutes. If you have already registered and are looking for support regarding the use of the system, please press the button below to see our support page. You can also contact us directly.


1. Register to the system

Register by filling the necessary details. After registration you will receive an email and will be directed to the login page. Registration is free and you can start using the system immediately.


2. Log in

After registering you can immediately log in and start improving the quality of your decision-making with free credit reports.

After registering you will be automatically redirected to the login page.

3. Find data

After logging in, navigate to Company Search tab. Search interface allows you to easily find the company you are looking for and download the financial information into our system where it can be viewed and adjusted as you like.


4. View data and generate estimates

CreditReports.dk platform comes with a feature that allows you to generate automatic estimates based on historical data. Automatic estimates make inputting your own predictions easier.


5. Adjust estimates

With our easy-to-use browser tool you can easily adjust system-generated estimates to better reflect future scenarios. You can even re-generate automatic estimates so that they are based on your own inputs.

The view when adjusting estimates.

6. Print credit report

Once you are happy with your estimates, you can print a complete credit report with a click of a button. The report includes credit risk, credit rating, and credit limit – all of which are estimated using our state-of-the-art machine-learning model.

