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  5. Company Valuation Tool


Company valuation tool provides you a reliable estimate for the value of a company. As in our credit reports, the valuation report can be generated by either using automatically generated estimates or user-modified scenarios.


Company valuation tool helps you to understand the value and potential of selected business. This is useful in multiple occasions, for example in ownership changes, partnerships and funding opportunity considerations. If you would like to learn more about company valuation, please visit what is valuation page.

In addition to the Valuation Report, we also provide an online platform which is an easy-to-use interface to view and modify the financial data of companies. It is also possible to modify these forecasts manually to see how different scenarios would impact the company valuation.

We offer a freemium model for the sale of our reports. You will get access to the online platform and select three companies each month after you sign up for the system. From the selected companies you get both credit risk and valuation reports. After this, you can easily upgrade your subscription to obtain more reports every month or alternatively buy individual reports. You can read more about our pricing from the pricing page.

At the moment, CreditReports.dk is in beta phase, during which we will offer full access to the system free of charge. Register now and start making better business decisions.

What information does the report offer?

  • Automatically generated estimates and company valuation reports
  • Easy-to-use tools for analyzing and modifying your own scenarios
  • Wide range of valuation methods
  • Comparisons and data with over 300,000 Danish companies from Danish Central Business Register

To see what our valuation report looks like in detail, you can view the sample report by clicking the button below. You can also try the system yourself with a demo company and see how the system works. After you are convinced with your findings, please sign up to receive your free reports and to start using our service.

Explore how this valuation tool works

Video is provided by Valuatum, the software company behind this platform.
